The Color is…

A colleague asked me how I felt about a program I organized and I shared my truth about my experience, inclusive of critiques from lack of support from various departments and problematic microaggressions that popped up along the way. He then cuts me off and says well at least it’s all behind you and the program is complete…
Aht Aht… This is my story! If you didn’t want to hear it, you shouldn’t have asked!
For me, this type of interaction has been a form of anti-Blackness in the workplace used to keep me quiet about how poorly people have treated me while doing DEI work.
In my experience, employees often want to be praised only when initiatives have become successful data points. It’s extremely challenging as a DEI practitioner to have to seek support from agitators, non-racists and biased individuals in departments to get the work done. Some of my colleagues want my skills and expertise, but they expect me to do DEI work on my own and be accountable for achieving its results, on my own. Our strategic plan does not support this and by now, we know that there must be buy-in to make DEI work. Sometimes the request is simply of them to do their jobs.
As I shared, my colleague didn’t really want to hear this narrative. In fact, he actually shamed me for telling my truth.
Here’s the real gag: No one is entitled to your story. You choose who and when to share it. Consider this! Does everyone deserve to hear it? No, but if you were generous enough to share it, understand that other people’s problems with your story are just that – Their problem!
The greatest predictor of a toxic workplace is the perception that leadership will tolerate bias and won’t address microaggressions. Don’t you go internalizing what they won’t properly handle.
Therefore, I declare… Black women, speak up and speak out! Ask for help! Delegate and when people ask you how the world showed up for you, be honest! If you’re silent they will say you loved it… If you tell the truth they will say you’re angry, bitter and negative… Gaslighting is a tool used to oppress Black women and force them into silence, so if you choose to, tell your story anyway! Cause much like flatulence… What you have to say is better out than in.

I love a good ICYMI and so I thought it only fitting that with this week’s Stack The Deck be dedicated to my favorite moments from the last two weeks that you may have missed if you aren’t connected to me personally on LinkedIn. (Let’s connect now!)

2. The Platform to Justice Panel

3. Institute Day 2023 | Workshop: Identifying And Strengthening Existing Support For Students On A Research To Publication Pathway

This week I’m sharing a list of books I recently stumbled across (and purchased) on LinkedIn by some LinkedIn Top Voices and Equity in the Workplace experts. Check them out!
- I’m Not Yelling: A Black Woman’s Guide to Navigating the Workplace by Elizabeth Leiba
- Inclusion on Purpose: An Intersectional Approach to Creating a Culture of Belonging at Work by Ruchika Tulshyan
- DEI Deconstructed: Your No-Nonsense Guide to Doing the Work and Doing It Right by Lily Zheng

🌎 I help my clients meet the global demands of business and address the challenges that come along with changing demographics, differing points of view and workplace fairness.
🙋🏾 I’m a Global Business Manager and Certified Diversity Executive.
❤️ 🩹I am a cousin of Emmett Till and Mamie Till Mobley. I use my platform to tell my truth and promote racial reconciliation.
🎤I’m looking for opportunities to speak about race and racial equity in the workplace this year
❓Run a podcast? Want a guest blog?
📧Give me a shout:
Uno Out!